Aurora, Illinois

Meeting Name: Committee of the Whole Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/4/2025 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Second Floor Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio
25-0073 1  MinutesApproval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, January 21, 2025, Committee of the Whole Meeting.approved and filedPass Action details Audio Audio
25-0020 2 Spring 2025 Historic Preservation Grant ProgramResolutionA Resolution Authorizing Approval of the Spring 2025 Historic Preservation Grants and Allowing the Mayor to enter into Historic Preservation Grant Agreements and Addendums.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0035 2 Rec Haus / 100 S. River Street / Plan Description RevisionOrdinanceAn Ordinance Approving a Revision to the River Street Plaza Plan Description for Property located at 100 S. River Street being at the southeast corner of River Street and Benton Street(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0012 2 Valley Honda / 4173 Ogden Avenue / Final PlanP&D ResolutionA Resolution Approving a Final Plan Revision on Lot 3 and 4 of Fox Valley Villages Subdivision, Unit 27A located at 4173 Ogden Avenue for additions to the vehicle dealershipfinalized (appealable)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0028 3  ResolutionA Resolution to approve an amendment to an agreement with Wesley United Methodist Church in the amount of $37,000.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0059 1  ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into an agreement with Matrix Consulting Group, in the amount not to exceed $141,080 for a Staffing and Strategic Planning Study for the Aurora Police Department.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0082 1  ResolutionA Resolution Authorizing the Chief Financial Officer of the City to execute an agreement for Ambulance Billing Services with EMS Management & Consultants (EMS MC)(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0083 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Reserving 2025 Volume Cap in connection with Private Activity Bond Issues, and Related Matters.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0090 1 COA/ 2 S Broadway/ JH Real Estate Partners LLC/ Redevelopment AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement (RDA) between the City of Aurora and JH Real Estate Partners, LLC (JH) for the redevelopment of the property located at 2 S Broadway, commonly known as the Aurora National Bank building.(PLACED ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0092 1 COA/ 62-66 S Broadway/ JH Real Estate Partners LLC/ Redevelopment AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement (RDA) between the City of Aurora and JH Real Estate Partners, LLC (JH) for the redevelopment of the property located at 62 S Broadway, commonly known as the Franz building, and the vacant lot located at 66 S Broadway.(PLACED ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0093 1 COA/ 251 S River Street/ Fernando Barrera/ Redevelopment AgreementResolutionA Resolution authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement (RDA) between the City of Aurora and The Barrera Organization LLC for the redevelopment of the property located at 251 S River St.(PLACED ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0096 1  Information/Discussion OnlyA discussion on modification of the mileage reimbursement amount for the Aldermen.(INFORMATION ONLY)  Action details Audio Audio
24-0855 1  ResolutionA Resolution establishing the maximum number of Class D: Downtown Fringe On-Site Consumption liquor licenses and self-service endorsements (unofficially related to the application from Rec Haus LLC at 100 S River St). [Ward 4](PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0070 2  ResolutionA Resolution establishing the maximum number of licenses for tattoo and body art establishments in accordance with Chapter 25, Article XI "Tattoo and Body Art Establishments".(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0030 1  ResolutionA Resolution to approve the purchase a 3-year renewal subscription of the ePremium platform from Event Approvals, Inc., Vancouver, Canada in the amount of $48,500 annually, for a total award of $145,500.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
24-0827 1  ResolutionA Resolution approving the reappointments of Gousia Wajid, Srivani Vokkarane, and Sharon Garcia to the Indian American Community Outreach Advisory Board.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0042 1  ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the reappointment of Margaret Stokes and Josh Harris to the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0043 1  ResolutionA Resolution approving the reappointment of Meredith Lindgren to the city's Advisory Commission for Disabilities.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0055 1  ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the reappointment of Michael Pegues to the Innovation and Technology Advisory Commission.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0057 1  ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the reappointment of eight members to the Tree Board.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0060 1  ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the 2025 Ward Neighborhood Clean-Up and Shred Events in all Wards in the City of Aurora.(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0065 1  Information/Discussion OnlyRevised Aldermen's Office Policies.(INFORMATION ONLY)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0067 1  ResolutionA Resolution approving the reappointment of Nelson Santos, William Kirwan, and Roderick Young to the Aurora Airport Advisory Board(PLACED ON CONSENT AGENDA)  Action details Audio Audio
25-0102 1  Presentation/Proclamation/Recognition/AwardsCommunity Engagement Division Update(INFORMATION ONLY)  Action details Audio Audio