TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission
DATE: May 23, 2024
An Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Plan Description for the Butterfield Planned Development District on 32.08 Acres for the property located at 2725 Bilter Road being south of Bilter Road, west of Eola Road, and north of Interstate 88 (C1 Chicago Aurora III LLC - 24-0384 / NA06/4-24.158 - CUPD/Ppn/Psd - JM - Ward 10)
The Petitioner C1 Chicago Aurora III LLC is requesting approval of an Amendment to the Plan Description for the Butterfield Planned Development District for the property located at 2725 Bilter Road being south of Bilter Road, west of Eola Road, and north of Interstate 88 which includes a revision to permit an additional use and some additional minor variations to allow for the development of a data center campus.
The Subject Property is currently vacant with PDD Planned Development District zoning, which is part of the Butterfield Planned Development District. The Petitioner is requesting approval of an amendment to the Plan Description to allow a 3300 Warehouse, Distribution and Storage Services Use in the form of a data center only. All other 3300 Warehouse, Distribution and Storage Services would be prohibited on the parcel. In addition, other minor variations from the Plan Description are being approved, including allowing all uses within the building to be calculated under the general parking requirement for an Electronic Data Storage use, to permit a twelve-foot screen wall within the district setback, and to allow lots to not have direct access to a street if an access easement is provided.
Concurrently with this proposal, the Petitioner is requesting approval of a Conditional Use for a Telecommunications Facility (4211) use and the establishment of modified standards. The details of the request include allowing two telecommunications facilities, specifically 350-foot, non-guyed tower structures with assoc...
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