TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission
DATE: January 10, 2025
An Ordinance Establishing a Conditional Use Planned Development and Approving the Galena Hotel Plan Description for the property located at 116 W. Galena Boulevard (Fox River House LLC - 25-0004 / AU22/3-24.509 - CUPD - JM - Ward 6)
The Petitioner, Fox River House LLC, is requesting the Establishment of a Conditional Use Planned Development on the property located at 116 W. Galena Boulevard which includes a Plan Description to allow for the development of 21 micro units.
The Subject Property is currently vacant with DC Downtown Core District zoning.
The Petitioner is requesting the Establishment of a Conditional Use Planned Development. The details of the request include a Plan Description to allow residential on the first floor and to permit small units with a minimum of 220 square feet.
The project includes redeveloping the historic Galena Hotel. The building was opened as the Fox River House in 1862 and was also known as the Huntoon House after its original builder and operator E.D. Huntoon. The building operated as other various hotels from 1862 until present day. The building underwent two extensive remodelings, one around 1872 and another in 1943. The exact extent of the remodelings are unknown but suggest the second floor oriel and attic dormers may have been added later. The interior of the buildings was likely heavily altered in the 1943 remodeling.
The current plan is to redevelop the building into 21 micro units ranging in size from 260 square feet to 550 square feet. The first-floor will have five units including converting the existing lobby into a new apartment. The second and third floors will contain 7 units each with an additional two larger units on the fourth floor.
The only major change to the building is a rear brick elevator addition and new rear stairwell. The developers worked with City staff and the ...
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