TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: John Hoffmann, P.E., Engineering Coordinator
DATE: January 23, 2023
A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into a professional services agreement with Associated Technical Services, LTD, Villa Park, IL for water main leak detection services in the amount of $362,461.37.
Leak detection programs are commonly instituted to pinpoint the locations of existing leaks in the system preventing those leaks from turning into larger breaks in the system resulting in more costly repairs of the system and unplanned loss of water to the users. The discovery and repair of leaks also reduces unaccounted water loss from the City's water system.
An RFQ was advertised on August 22, 2022 using QBS guidelines and was opened on September 9, 2022. A review team of three individuals analyzed the four submittals and selected Associated Technical Services, LTD. (ATS) as the highest ranking consultant. The City has used ATS in the past and has been satisfied with the services they provided. The contract will be for three years, at the end of that period the entire City will have been surveyed.
The leak detection analysis of the City's water system is critical to the maintenance of the system and to ensure that the proper level of service is provided to the City's residents. The project will be funded by account 510-4063-511-38-47. The attached Exhibit "A" shows the top three proposals for these services that were received and that Associated Technical Services, LTD was the highest ranked consultant. The fees for 2023, 2024, & 2025 are estimated at $111,665.47, $122,447.20, & $128,348.70, respectively. The budget for each year includes the survey of roughly 250 miles, or 1/3 of the City's water distribution system, as well as unit prices as needed to locate leaks and for visits to help identify leak locations when potable water surfaces and the source is unknown. If required, b...
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