TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission
DATE: December 6, 2024
An Ordinance amending Chapter 49 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Aurora, by modifying the zoning map attached thereto to rezone the vacant property located at 801 Claim St from M-2 Manufacturing District - General to R-3 One Family Dwelling District (City of Aurora - 24-0904 / AU23/3-22.319-RZ - TV - Ward 2)
The City of Aurora is requesting to rezone the property at 801 Claim Street from M-2 Manufacturing District - General to R-3 One Family Dwelling District.
The Subject Property is currently owned by the City of Aurora and is vacant land with M-2 Manufacturing District - General zoning. This lot is located northeast of the East Aurora Flea Market and is adjacent to their parking lots.
The City is currently working on taking an inventory of all the city owned properties and determining a course of action. For this parcel, the City is requesting to rezone the vacant property from M-2 Manufacturing District - General to R-3 One Family Dwelling District. Concurrently with this proposal, the City is requesting to subdivide the parcel into four buildable residential lots in order to sell them for future single family residential homes.
Staff has reviewed the Findings of Fact and has found the following:
1. Is the proposal in accordance with all applicable official physical development policies and other related official plans and policies of the City of Aurora?
The proposal is in accordance with all applicable official physical development policies and other related official plans and policies of the City of Aurora as this rezoning will allow for the development of four single family residence which is complementary to the surrounding residential neighborhood.
2. Does the proposal represent the logical establishment and/or consistent extension of the requested classification in consideration of the existing land ...
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