TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Garrett Wrobel, Sergeant, Community Oriented Policing, Aurora Police Department
DATE: January 9, 2025
Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to sign and execute the Annual Memorandum of Understanding with Learning for Life, a District of Columbia non-profit corporation for the Aurora Police Department Youth Explorers Post #8847 program.
APD Youth Explorers Post #8847 consist of a group of teenagers and young adults aged 13-20 with a strong interest in pursuing a career in law enforcement. The group meets bi-monthly and are given lessons in various aspects of policing by Aurora Police Department ("APD") Officers. Explorers participate in real world scenarios, in a safe controlled environment to improve on their skills. The training is provided by APD Officers from various units of the police department. Learning for Life provides training and screening for the post's leaders. Learning for Life also provides resources for the post leaders. The program offers opportunities for community service and team building to the city's youth. In addition, the program promotes personal growth through activities that support character development, respect for the rule of law and physical fitness to name a few.
APD Youth Explorers Post #8847 was establish in 2023 with the guidance of Learning for Life. Seeing the continued interest and success of the first group of Explorers, APD is requesting to continue the program.
Explorers Post allow the City's youth to gain exposure to various criminal justice careers and to have a positive interaction with law enforcement professionals. The program also provides the youth with leadership opportunities, community service and networking activities. Funding for the program has been budgeted. In addition, Learning for Life provides primary general liability insurance to cover the participating organization, its officers and employees in their...
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