TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Historic Preservation Commission
DATE: January 22, 2025
A Resolution Authorizing Approval of the Spring 2025 Historic Preservation Grants and Allowing the Mayor to enter into Historic Preservation Grant Agreements and Addendums (Legistar 25-0020 / KDWK-2024.446-PZ/HP- JM)
Authorizing the execution of a Historic Preservation Grant Agreements with owners of properties within the historic districts or local landmarks to foster the continued preservation of Aurora's historic neighborhoods and landmarks.
In 2019, City Council approved a new Historic Preservation Grant Program. The Preservation Grant Program is a reimbursable grant for exterior historic rehabilitation projects. The maximum is $20,000. All grants at or under $10,000 require no cash match. All grants over $10,000 require a dollar-for-dollar cash match for every dollar over $10,000. The final $1,000 of the grant is additional funding for the use of local contractors. Properties must be owner-occupied and designated as historic within the City of Aurora and must meet all other eligibility requirements.
City Council approved additional funds for 2025 for a five year period. The remaining balance in account 101-1840-463.50-43 is $910,000.
Staff received 14 applications representing the local districts, the National Register district, and Local Landmarks. The work is all exterior ranging from tuckpointing, window repair, chimney restoration, siding repair and painting to structural stabilization and porch restorations.
On December 9, 2024, the Historic Preservation Grant Committee reviewed the 14 applications submitted for the Spring 2025 Historic Preservation Grant Program. Based upon the merits of the projects, the Historic Preservation Commission recommended funding 13 projects. One was suggested to not be funded due to the nature of the project being a non-historic, rear deck. Some of the projects the Commit...
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