TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Jolene Coulter, Director of Purchasing
DATE: January 7, 2025
Adding new section 3-441 to the City Code regarding the Purchasing provisions to include the requirements of an E-Procurement Systems.
To update portions of the City Code to include processes for the E-Procurement System, electronic bid openings and publications.
With the recent purchase of an E-Procurement and Contract System (R24-385), staff has been working with Law to update the Purchasing section of the code to ensure allowances for the upcoming changes in receiving electronic Bid/RFP documents, how a bid is opened, acceptance of electronic signatures and publication process.
Under Division 2-V-2 of the Chapter 2 of the City Code, current notice requirements state a formal Bid/RFP must be published in the local newspaper. While this was an effective way to communicate opportunities in the past, most vendors/contractors have moved to a digital format. The City will still be required to publish 15 days prior to a bid opening/due date, the publication will be through the City's website and the new E-Procurement System. As a process, staff also notifies vendors/contractors who have previously bid on similar opportunities. The process is very similar to what we do now, but by only publishing in the local newspaper when required by the funding source, the City will save nearly $30,000 each year.
With the E-Procurement System, we want to ensure the code reflects the changes that most, if not all, bids will be submitted electronically, have an electronic bid opening and require electronic signatures, etc. As we are working through the new process, Purchasing has been in communication with Public Works/Engineering to ensure we are aware of any issues with electronic bidding from any funding source (ie. IDOT, IEPA) and we will accommodate as needed.
Approval of this ordinance will provide for a mor...
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