TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Robert Leible, Superintendent of Water Production
DATE: January 13, 2025
A resolution authorizing a rehabilitation project of six (6) finished water distribution pumps for the Water Production Division in an amount not-to-exceed of $402,000.
To obtain City Council authorization for Layne Christensen Company (Layne), 721 W. Illinois Avenue, Aurora, IL, to perform rehabilitation services of six finished water distribution pumps to restore rated pumping capacity.
The subject pumps are utilized to distribute finished water from the city's water treatment plant to the normal pressure zone of the city's water distribution system. Rehabilitation of finished water pumps is required periodically to ensure continued reliability and to guard against mechanical failures. Furthermore, pump rehabilitation restores the rated capacity of individual pumps and reoptimizes efficient operation of pumps with respect to energy consumption. Normal pressure pumps #1, #2, #4, and #5 were upsized with new pumps during 2008 - 2009. Normal pressure pump #3 was upsized more recently in 2017. Normal pressure pump #6 has not been upsized and last received maintenance work in 2004. Rehabilitation of the six pumps is expected to occur over a two-year period, with one pump out of service at any given time.
The total estimated cost for the subject work is $402,000 or $67,000 per pump as provided in the attached budgetary email from Layne.
The city entered into a five-year Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Layne in 2020 under Resolution No. R20-083, which provides a 5% discount on all labor and field services and a 10% discount on specialized services performed by Layne. Layne will perform all work on a time and material basis and will only be compensated for the actual work performed per the terms and conditions of the PSA. In addition, Layne is the sole regional factory authorized source for re...
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