TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Matt Anslow, Assistant Fire Chief
Jim Birchall, Chief Public Facilities Officer
Jolene Coulter, Director of Purchasing
DATE: September 17, 2023
A Resolution Approving Architectural Services for Design, Engineering and Construction Services for Fire Stations #4, #9 and #13.
The purpose of this item is to award contracts for design and engineering services for the upcoming construction of three (3) new fire stations in the City of Aurora.
In 2021, the Aurora Fire Department (AFD) hired a consultant to conduct a Fire Station Location Analysis to establish optimal locations for the planned additional fire station, and relocation of two (2) stations, required to effectively meet fire and EMS service demand due to the continued growth and development of the city. The study determined it would be in the best interest of the public and the Fire Department to construct a new Station #13 and relocate Stations #9 and #4. This plan was approved by the City Council in 2022.
Following Council approval, a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the relocations and new buildings was submitted and approved. Staff released a Request for Proposals (RFP) on May 15, 2022, for architectural services and began looking for property. The acquisition of property for Station #9 was approved on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (O23-056).
A team of city staff members with representatives from AFD, Public Facilities, Purchasing and the Mayor's Office toured fire stations constructed by the various firms that submitted proposals. Following the tours, staff evaluated the different submittals and narrowed it down to two. Additional meetings with the final two firms were held and it was determined it would be in the city's best interest to utilize two different firms for these three capital improvement projects.
The existing Central Station at 75 N Broadway was built in 1980 when the City had less population, fewer calls for service and the Fire Department had only six (6) stations. Central Station currently houses staff, administration, training, and emergency medical services offices based on its original design. Given the space constraints of the property, there is no desire to reconstruct the current Central Fire at this time. Consequently, several of the administrative and support functions which have outgrown their current space, will be relocating from Central Fire Station to the new Fire Station #4, which will be built east of the Aurora Police Department (APD) on Indian Trail on land already owned by the City this will create a full public safety campus. In addition, the Aurora Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) will be moving from APD headquarters to the new Fire Station #4 next door to free up more office space for APD.
The current Station #4 was built in 1965 and is no longer sufficient to house the increased personnel and equipment necessary to serve the surrounding area, and community. This move will also consolidate the Aurora Fire Prevention Bureau, (currently located in the Development Services Center), the Emergency Management Agency (currently located in the APD), offices for administration (currently all housed at Central Fire) as well as Engine 4 and Medic 4, from the current Station #4 near Garfield Park. The recommendation by staff is to award the engineering and design contract to Cordogan Clark. Cordogan Clark designed the current APD HQ, utilizing the same firm will keep the desired design elements the same for the new Station #4, Fire headquarters, and EMA / EOC.
For the other two stations, staff is recommending the engineering and design contracts be awarded to FGM Architects of Oak Brook, IL for the relocated Station #9 (to Eola Road city owned parcel) and the new Station #13, to be located on a city-owned parcel on the south side of Bilter, east of Nan. FGM has extensive experience building fire stations in a cost effective and design efficient manner.
Completing the design and engineering phase for the new Fire Stations #4, #9, and #13 will allow construction to begin as soon as possible. Funding for these projects is available in account 354-3033-422.72-35 (CIP C012, C013 and C135). The fee structure for each part of the project is laid out in the attachments.
The relocation of the Fire Stations will lower response times for a large area of the city and allow the AFD to continue to grow and respond to increased development within the city.
Staff respectfully requests the proposed resolution be approved to allow for design and engineering to begin.
cc: Infrastructure and Technology

RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution awarding the design and engineering services for Fire Station #9 and #13 to FGM Architects of Oak Brook, IL and for Station #4 to Cordogan Clark of Aurora, IL.
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Station Relocation Study from 2021 determined that the residents of the City of Aurora would benefit from relocated and newly constructed fire stations; and
WHEREAS, the City Council recently approved the acquisition of a parcel on Eola Road for the relocated Fire Station #9; and
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora owns the other two parcels of land where the stations are to be constructed; and
WHEREAS, these projects require architectural services to design and engineer the stations; and
WHEREAS, FGM Architects and Cordogan Clark have been selected through the RFP process to perform these services; and
WHEREAS, this project is funded by account #354-3033-422.72-35 (C012, C013 and C135).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: authorizing the Director of Purchasing to enter into an agreement with FGM Architects of Oak Brook, IL for $1,100,750 for Fire Stations #9, and #13, and Cordogan Clark of Aurora, IL for $1,179,750, for the Fire Station #4.