Aurora, Illinois

File #: 15-00111    Version: Name: Duke Realty - Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 2/11/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/12/2015 Final action: 5/12/2015
Title: A Resolution Approving a Revision to the Preliminary Plan and Plat and Granting associated Variances for property located on north side of Ferry Road, west of Route 59, and south of Butterfield Road, Aurora, IL
TO:      Mayor Thomas J. Weisner
FROM:      Planning Commission
DATE:      April 23, 2015
A Resolution Approving a Revision to the Preliminary Plan and Plat and Granting associated Variances for property located on north side of Ferry Road, west of Route 59, and south of Butterfield Road.  (Duke Realty Limited Partnership - L15-00111 / WI33/3-13.494-Ppn/Psd/R - TV - WARD 10)   
The Petitioner, Duke Realty Limited Partnership, filed a Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision with associated variances for a portion of the Butterfield East Subdivision located on the north side of Ferry Road, west of Route 59, and south of Butterfield Road.  
The proposed Preliminary Plat Revision consists of reconfiguring the current plat layout to create two larger buildable lots for industrial/warehouse uses (Lots 5 &6) and four lots for stormwater detention (Lots 103, 104, 105, and 107).  
Two lots are being created for a landscaping buffer along the south side of the residential in Warrenville (Lot 2 & 4) and one lot for future right-of-way to State Route 59 (Lot 3).  
Lot 1 of Butterfield East Subdivision, Unit 1, which is currently platted and built, will also be slightly reconfigured to allow for the realignment of Duke Parkway.   Due to this realignment, and that the Petitioner no longer owns Lot 2 of Butterfield East Subdivision, Unit 1, the Petitioner is requesting to vary the front yard setback for Lot 1 of Butterfield East Subdivision, Unit 1, from 30 feet to 18.5 feet, being an 11.5 feet variance at the northwest corner of the lot.
The proposed Preliminary Plan Revision consists of the future construction of two industrial buildings. Lot 5 consists of a 975,520 square foot building housing 112 docks with the ability to construct 56 additional docks if needed.  The plan also includes 160 trailer parking spaces and 400 automobile parking spaces, of which 125 automobile parking spaces will be banked for future need.  The proposal for Lot 6 consists of a 499,140 square foot building housing 48 docks. The plan also includes 59 trailer parking spaces and 251 automobile parking spaces, of which 135 automobile parking spaces will be banked for future need.  Stormwater detention facilities are being constructed as part of this development.  
Duke Parkway is being constructed in phases and will temporarily dead end at the eastern property line of Lot 5 until the long range plan of the ultimate connection to State Route 59 occurs. The Plan is providing for a secondary fire access at Briggs Avenue.
The Petitioner is requesting to vary the required number of automobile parking spaces for both Lots 5 and Lot 6.  The request on Lot 5 is to reduce the automobile parking spaces from 480 parking spaces to 400 parking spaces, thus being a variance of 80 automobile parking spaces and the request on Lot 6 is to reduce the automobile parking spaces from 290 to 251, thus being a variance of 39 automobile parking spaces.   
The Subject Property is generally located at north side of Ferry Road, West of State Route 59, and South of Butterfield Road and is currently vacant land.  The Subject Property is part of the Butterfield Planned Development District, zoned PDD with an underlying ORI (Office, Research and Light Industry) use district.
The property was annexed on February 3, 1976 by Ordinance Number O76-4509 pursuant to the approved Annexation Agreement on January 14, 1976 by Ordinance Number O76-4500.  A Plan Description was established on the property on February 3, 1976 by Ordinance Number O76-4510 pursuant to the approved Annexation Agreement.  
A revised Land Use Plan for the Butterfield PDD was approved on October 18, 1988 by Resolution Number R88-322, which modified some land uses and described five preliminary plan areas to be established.  The revised Land Use Plan designated this property as Office/Research/Industrial.  
A Preliminary Plan and Plat for Unit 3 was approved on July 25, 2000 by Resolution Number R00-326.  A Final Plan and Plat for Unit 3 was approved on May 24, 2001 by Resolution Number PDFNL01.24.  The approved Final Plat was never recorded at DuPage County.  
A Revision to the Preliminary Plan and Plat for Butterfield East Subdivision was approved on May 10, 2007 by Resolution Number R07-181 and then on June 28, 2007, a Final Plat was approved for Butterfield East Subdivision, Unit 1 by Resolution Number PDFNL07-026 and a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Butterfield East Subdivision, Unit 1 was approved by PDFNL07-025.
On March 26, 2009, a Final Plat for Butterfield East Unit 2 was approved by Resolution Number PDFNL09-006. This was never recorded.  
A Final Plat Revision for Butterfield East Subdivision, Unit 1 was approved on May 13, 2010 by Resolution PDFNL10.010.   
The petitioner has made the requested revisions to these documents and they now meet the applicable codes and ordinances, with the exception of the items mentioned in the Staff Recommendation listed below.
The previous preliminary plan and plat was originally approved in 2007.  At that time, the parking requirement for a warehouse building was 1 parking space per 4 employees.  Since then, the parking requirement for a warehouse building has increased to 1 space per 1,000 square feet of GFA up to 150,000 square feet plus 1 space per 2,500 square feet in excess of 150,000 square feet of GFA.  Historically, variances have be granted to the parking requirement in cases where the end user is known or for very large warehouse which do not generate the ratio of parking required by the Ordinance.  Staff has also considered future uses and determined that there are other area on-site that can be converted to parking if warranted.
Public Input: Due public notice was given for the public hearing on this matter.  As of the date of this memo, staff has received public inquiries requesting additional information on this petition.  
10.0  To provide for the orderly, balanced and efficient growth and redevelopment of the City through the positive integration of land use patterns, functions, and circulation systems.  To protect and enhance those assets and values that establishes the desirable quality and general livability of the City.  To promote the City's position as a regional center.
11.0  To guide the growth of the City in an orderly and structured manner
40.1(1)  To attract and encourage industrial, office and office-research development to planned sites where requisite public facilities are either present or proposed.     
The Planning Commission recommends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the Resolution Approving a Revision to the Preliminary Plan and Plat and Granting associated Variances for property located on north side of Ferry Road, west of Route 59, and south of Butterfield Road., with the following conditions:
1.  That the completion of the storm sewer along the southerly end of Lot 2 of Unit 1, a part of the Unit 1 approved final engineering plans, is to be installed as well as the completion of all other public utility improvements within the boundaries of this plan and plat prior to any requests for security reductions and/or acceptances.
2.  That approvals from the City of Warrenville will be required for fire access drive, stormwater Management, and any construction proposed outside the corporate limits of the City of Aurora within the City of Warrenville's jurisdiction.  
Exhibit "A-1" Preliminary Plan
Exhibit "A-2" Preliminary Plat
Exhibit "A-3" Preliminary Fire Access Plan
Preliminary Landscaping Plan
Land Use Petition with Supporting Documents
Property Research Sheet
Planning Council Report
Legistar Number:  15-00111
cc:      Planning and Development Committee:
Alderman Saville, Chairman
Alderman Donnell
Alderman Irvin
Alderman Hart-Burns, Alternate
RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution Approving a Revision to the Preliminary Plan and Plat and Granting associated Variances for property located on north side of Ferry Road, west of Route 59, and south of Butterfield Road, Aurora, IL   
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, by petition dated February 10, 2015, Duke Realty Limited Partnership filed with the City of Aurora a petition requesting approval of a Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision with associated Variance for Butterfield East Subdivision and related required documents as attached hereto as Exhibits "A-1" through Exhibit "A-3"; and
WHEREAS, on April 22, 2015, the Aurora Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the setback and parking requirement variances pursuant to  Section 10.7-6 of the Aurora Zoning Ordinance and reviewed said Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision and variances and recommended CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of said petition; and
WHEREAS, on April 30, 2015, the Planning and Development Committee of the Aurora City Council reviewed said Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision with associated Variance and the before mentioned recommendations and recommended CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of said petition; and   
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows:
Section One: That the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois finds as fact all of the preamble recitals of this Resolution and hereby grants CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of said Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision with associated variances with the following conditions:
1.  That the completion of the storm sewer along the southerly end of Lot 2 of Unit 1, a part of the Unit 1 approved final engineering plans, is to be installed as well as the completion of all other public utility improvements within the boundaries of this plan and plat prior to any requests for security reductions and/or acceptances.
2.  That approvals from the City of Warrenville will be required for fire access drive, stormwater Management, and any construction proposed outside the corporate limits of the City of Aurora within the City of Warrenville's jurisdiction.
Section Two: That the following variations are hereby granted from the standards of Ordinance No. 3100, being the Aurora Zoning Ordinance:
Section 8.10-5.12 - Reducing the setback requirement from 30 feet to 18.5 feet, being an 11.5 feet variance on Lot 1 of Butterfield East, Unit 1; and
Section 8.10-5.10 - Reducing the parking requirement from 480 parking spaces to 400 parking spaces, being an 80 parking space variance on Lot 5 said Preliminary Plan and Plat and reducing the parking and loading requirement from 290 to 251, being a 39 parking space variance on Lot 6 of said Preliminary Plan and Plat.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Aurora hereby adopts the Preliminary Plan and Plat Revision with the associated variance and related required documents as attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1" Preliminary Plan, Exhibit "A-2" Preliminary Plat, and Exhibit "A-3" Preliminary Fire Access Plan.