Aurora, Illinois

File #: 25-0081    Version: Name: AID/550 2nd Avenue/Final Plan
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action: 2/25/2025
Title: A Resolution Approving a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development
Attachments: 1. Exhibit "A-3" Final Plan - 2025-01-17 - 2024.546, 2. Exhibit "A-2" Landscape Plan - 2025-01-17 - 2024.546, 3. Exhibit "A-3" Building and Signage Elevations - 2025-01-17 - 2024.546, 4. Land Use Petition and Supporting Documents - 2024-12-17 - 2024.546, 5. Plat of Survey - 2024-12-17 - 2024.546, 6. Location Map - 2025-01-31 - 2024.453, 7. Legistar History Report - Final Plan - 2025-02-06 - 2024.546


TO:                     Mayor Richard C. Irvin


FROM:                     Planning and Zoning Commission


DATE:                     February 7, 2025



A Resolution Approving a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development (Association for Individual Development - 25-0081 / AU27/2-24.546 - CUPD/Fsd/Fpn - JM - Ward 2)   



The Petitioner Association for Individual Development is Requesting approval of a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development which includes the redevelopment of the current historic church and construction of a new building for apartments with associated offices.  



The Subject Property includes the historic school building and adjacent parking lot. The property is currently zoned R2(C) One Family Dwelling District with a Conditional Use for a religious institution and a school. 


The Petitioner is requesting approval of a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision for a mixed-use development.  The details of the request include a new attached building adjacent to the historic church building in a portion of the existing parking lot. A rear patio and walkways will be located behind the building. The remaining parking lot containing 59 parking spaces will be slightly altered with the addition of handicap spots, EV stations, and a dumpster. While much of the site is built upon, the Landscape Plan does show the addition of street trees in the parkway along 2nd Avenue, shrub beds along the front of both the new and existing building, additional shrub beds in the parking lot, and a solid 6-foot fence along the interior rear and side yards and a 4-foot ornamental metal fence along the front yard. The Elevation of the new building is compatible with the existing school and church. The building is slightly lower than the school building and is clad in a mixture of brick similar to the school and fiber cement panel siding on the front elevation with tall institutional looking ribbon windows. The rear is predominantly fiber cement.


Concurrently with this proposal, the Petitioner is requesting the Establishment of a Conditional Use Planned Development, and to change the zoning to three separate zoning districts with a Plan Description outlining additional uses, variations, and additional restrictions. Parcel 1 contains the historic school building and the large parking lot and will be zoned R-5 (C) Multiple Family Dwelling District with a Conditional Use. Parcel 2 contains the church, event hall, and office building and will be zoned R-2 (C) One-Family Dwelling District with a Conditional Use. Parcel 3 contains the two-unit residential building and will be downzoned to R-4 (C) Two-Family Dwelling District with a Conditional Use.


The Plan Description for Parcel 1 allows for the conversion of the existing school building to ten apartments with the gym remaining for community space along with the retention of the existing bowling alley and some office space in the basement. In addition, it permits the construction of a new, attached building with ten units. The Plan Description allows for a minimum parking of one space per dwelling unit for the residential use and requires the developer to have a parking management plan that requires residents to have parking passes for every vehicle and cross access parking with the existing church on Parcel 2. The Plan Description for Parel 2 codifies the current uses of the church property, including religious institution, social services, and office. The downzoning of Parcel 3 reflects the current use of a two unit. The setbacks are varied to codify the current building and parking setbacks and to allow the new building to align with the existing. Some additional building code variations are also granted.


The Petitioner is also requesting approval of a Final Plat for Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue and 545-563 E. Benton Street.  The details of the request include replating the existing nine lots into three lots aligning with the three zoning districts being proposed above. 



Staff has reviewed the Final Plan Resolution petition and have sent comments back to the petitioner on those submittals.  The petitioner has made the requested revisions to these documents and they now meet the applicable codes and ordinances.


The project is to allow the petitioner to develop the existing building and a new addition into permanent supportive housing in the form of 20 apartment units. Each apartment will include full eat-in kitchens, full bathrooms, separate living rooms, bedrooms, and ample storage. Permanent supportive housing pairs supportive services with affordable housing. Onsite

offices will house property management and supportive services staff. The school building has an operational bowling alley in the basement that is currently open to the public and will remain. The proposal saves the historic school building from continuing to fall into disrepair and possible demolition while adding additional housing to the neighborhood on an underutilized parking lot. 



The Staff’s Evaluation and Recommendation are based on the following Physical Development Policies:


11.1 (5) To guide and promote development to areas where public utilities, public roads and municipal services are either available or planned.

11.1 (3) To encourage new development contiguous to existing development.

12.0 To plan and provide for the growth of the city through the integration of land use patterns and functions that promotes complementary interactions between different land use components.

12.1(3) To encourage residential development in close proximity to places of work, shopping and recreation

14.1 (3) To protect, preserve and restore the historical and architectural heritage of the City.

20.0 To insure the provision of decent housing and a quality living environment for every resident of Aurora

21.1 (1) To promote access to housing opportunities for all economic, racial, religious, ethnic and age groups.

21.1(2) To promote a wide variety of housing types.

21.1 (3) To promote housing in all price ranges for purchase or rent.

22.1 (5) To recognize the unique characteristics of individual neighborhoods and promote their positive attributes.

23.1 (7) To encourage that adaptive reuse of commercial and industrial structures to housing where such conversions are economically feasible, supportive of revitalization efforts, and consistent with the land use plan.  



The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the A Resolution Approving a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development with the following conditions:


1. That all the comments of the Engineering Division be addressed prior to approval of

Final Engineering. 




Exhibit "A-1" Final Plan

Exhibit "A-2" Landscape Plan

Exhibit “A-3” Building and Signage Elevations

Land Use Petition with Supporting Documents


Plat of Survey


Legistar Number: 25-0081




Alderwoman Patty Smith, Chairperson

Alderwoman Shweta Baid, Vice Chairperson

Alderman Michael B. Saville

Alderman Bill Donnell

Alderman Carl Franco






RESOLUTION NO. _________

DATE OF PASSAGE ________________


A Resolution Approving a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development  


WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and


WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and


WHEREAS, by petition dated December 17, 2024, Association for Individual Development filed with the City of Aurora a petition Requesting approval of a Final Plan for Lot 1 of Las Rosas Subdivision, located at 550 2nd Avenue, for a mixed-use development and related required documents as attached hereto as Exhibits "A-1" through Exhibit “A-3”; and


WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a hearing on February 5, 2025, reviewed the petition and recommended CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of said petition; and


WHEREAS, on February 12, 2025, the Building, Zoning and Economic Development Committee of the Aurora City Council reviewed said Final Plan and the before mentioned recommendations and recommended CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of said petition; and 


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, finds as facts all of the preamble recitals of this Resolution and hereby grants CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of said Final Plan with the following conditions:


1. That all the comments of the Engineering Division be addressed prior to approval of

Final Engineering.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Aurora hereby adopts the Final Plan and related required documents, as attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1" Final Plan, Exhibit “A-2” Landscape Plan, and Exhibit “A-3” Building and Signage Elevations, along with any easement dedications deemed necessary by the Aurora City Engineer.