TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Bryan Handell, Central Services Lieutenant, APD
Bill Rowley, Administrative Services Lieutenant, APD
DATE: August 11, 2023
A Resolution authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to enter into an amended contract not to exceed the amount of $6,246,715.00 with Axon Enterprises, Inc for the continued support of body-worn and in-squad cameras, TASERS, and an associated suite of related services provided by Axon Enterprises for the Aurora Police Department through 2028.
The Police Department requests that the Council authorize the Chief Financial Officer to enter into an amended contract with Axon Enterprises for various services and support outlined in the proposed contract described in attachments to this Resolution. This increase is necessary due to recent staff additions to the Aurora Police Department, enhancements in certain technologies offered, and the desire to integrate multiple contracts into one singular amended contract with Axon Enterprises.
On October 27th, 2020, resolution R20-0249 was approved by the City Council for the purchase of body-worn cameras and the supporting software for officers at the Aurora Police Department.
Resolution R21-158, passed by City Council on June 22, 2021, approved the purchase of an additional thirty-five (35) Body-Worn cameras to comply with Illinois Public Act 101-0652 (“Safe-T Act”).
On July 13, 2021, Resolution R21-177 authorized the purchase and installation of a fleet dash camera system and TASER7 equipment.
Resolution R22-393 was passed on December 20, 2022, for the purchase of a community survey system (My90)
Resolution R23-139 requesting an additional eighteen (18) Body-Worn cameras for assignment to newly hired police officers was approved by City Council on May 9, 2023.
At present, the Aurora Police Department is under (3) related but separate contracts with Axon Enterprises for cameras, TASERs, My90, and related software and systems. We have the opportunity to combine these contracts as part of an overall cost-saving measure which will also include the replacement of TASER 7 with the enhanced technology of TASER 10, a built-in hardware refresh of our body-worn and in-squad cameras during the proposed contract period, and a discounted "bundled" rate which will provide an overall cost savings to the City over the course of the 5-year contract.
Axon Enterprises, Inc. released TASER 10 in 2023, representing a significant advancement in TASER technology. The Aurora Police Department demoed the new TASER 10 and entered into negotiations with Axon for the purpose of upgrading our current inventory of TASER 7s to TASER 10s. During these negotiations, it became apparent that bundling the new TASER 10s with body-worn cameras, in-squad camera systems, My90, and related user licenses, software, and systems in a new contract would provide a significant cost savings over the next five years. The new contract would consolidate the 3 current contracts between the city of Aurora and Axon into one contract. All previously purchased hardware and software remain in the new contract, although several software items previously purchased a la carte were now included in Axon's Officer Safety 10+ plan, which the department would be receiving in the new contract. Additionally, under a new contract, the police department would receive a hardware refresh and upgrades for its body-worn cameras in 2024, an additional mid-contract refresh for body-worn cameras and in-squad cameras, an upgrade from TASER 7s to TASER 10s, an increase in TASER inventory from 150 to 175, a slight increase in body-worn camera inventory, and additional software features such as third-party video playback and licenses for Axon Records and Standards. Finally, the new contract would align future contract renewals with Axon's historical release timeline for new TASER technology, ensuring that the Aurora Police Department remains at the technological forefront of less-lethal use of force options.
A new contract will also lock in prices through 2028, whereas the current contract expires in 2026. The gross price of the new contract totals $7,078,150.27. After discounts and credits, the final contract price is $6,246,715.00. Annual prices are listed below:
2023: $920,673.00
2024: $1,331,510.50
2025: $1,331,510.50
2026: $1,331,510.50
2027: $1,331,510.50
The 2023 price is reduced as some payments have already been made for the year and to fit within the 2023 budget.
It is anticipated that American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funding will allow for this Public Safety Expense in account 287-3536-421.74-99 (BWC) for 2023. Future years will be budgeted in the general fund 101-3536-421.74-99 (BWC).
Approval of this resolution will ensure continued compliance with the Law Enforcement Officer-Worn Body Camera Act and all of the requirements set forth in the law. Approval of this resolution will allow the Aurora Police Department to continue our leadership in the region in transparency, less lethal force options, and community engagement, while remaining a responsible steward of taxpayer funds. Additionally, it will provide greater transparency and accountability, further strengthening public trust in the Police Department.
That the City Council approve this resolution.

RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to enter into an amended contract not to exceed the amount of $6,246,715.00 with Axon Enterprises, Inc for the continued support of body-worn and in-squad cameras, TASERS, and an associated suite of related services provided by Axon Enterprises for the Aurora Police Department.
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the utilization of technology to improve the transparency, safety, and efficiency of the Police Department services to the community; and
WHEREAS, the implementation of a body-worn camera system is a critical step in the provision of this transparency, safety and efficiency of these operations; and
WHEREAS, on October 27, 2020, the City Council approved R20-249 which established City policy with respect to the implementation of body-worn cameras by members of the Police Department; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that its expression of said policy set forth in R20-249 remains unchanged; and
WHEREAS, the City has conducted an in-depth analysis and review of body-worn camera systems to ensure these goals now and into the future; and
WHEREAS, on January 13th, 2021 the Illinois General Assembly passed what became Public Act 101-0642 and which included a mandate that law enforcement agencies implement the use of body-worn cameras for all law enforcement officers, including those serving in primarily administrative positions; and
WHEREAS, the reporting and record-keeping requirements set forth in Public Act 101-642 necessitates the procurement of software to assist the Department in complying with its statutory obligations.
WHEREAS, it is anticipated that American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) federal funding will allow for this Public Safety Expense in account 287-3536-421.74-99 (BWC) for 2023. Future years will be budgeted in the general fund 101-3536-421.74-99 (BWC).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to enter into an amended contract not to exceed the amount of $6,246,715.00 with Axon Enterprises, Inc for the continued support of body-worn and in-squad cameras, TASERs, and an associated suite of related services provided by Axon Enterprises for the Aurora Police Department