Aurora, Illinois

File #: 18-0700    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 8/8/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/28/2018 Final action: 8/28/2018
Title: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation with the State of Illinois, Authorizing the Director of Purchasing to sign the Engineering Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company and to Appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Farnsworth Avenue Bridge Project, MFT #18-00324-00-BR.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A Farnsworth bridge Funding Agreement BLR 05310.pdf, 2. Exhibit B Farsnworth Ave Phase I Engineering Agreement BLR 05610.pdf, 3. Exhibit C MFT Appropriation BLR 09111.pdf, 4. Exhibit D Farnsworth bridge at Indian Trail QBS Ratings summary.pdf


TO:                     Mayor Richard C. Irvin


FROM:                     Christopher E. Lirot, Road & Bridge Coordinator


DATE:                     August 8, 2018



Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to sign the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation with the State of Illinois, the Director of Purchasing to sign the Engineering Services Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company, and to Appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Farnsworth Avenue Bridge Project



This Resolution will Authorize the Agreement to Utilize Federal Funds, Approve the Engineering Services Agreement, and Appropriate Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds for the Farnsworth Avenue Bridge Project.



Farnsworth Avenue crosses Indian Creek just north of Indian Trail.  The current structure was constructed in 1970 and consists of three 8' diameter Corrugated Metal Pipes that are badly deteriorated.  The sidewalks and railing are also in poor condition.  The current structure has a Sufficiency Rating of 39.0 and is eligible for Federal Highway Bridge Funds (STP-Br). The city intends to completely replace the existing structure with a new bridge to meet current standards and add a protected bike path lane and ornamental parapets and railings.



The city published a Qualification Based Selection (QBS) for the Farnsworth Avenue bridge Phase I Engineering services on November 27, 2017.  Fourteen (14) firms submitted their qualifications and experiences.  Staff reviewed the QBS and determined that Alfred Benesch & Company (Benesch) was the most qualified with the top 3 firm's scores attached as Exhibit 'D'.  The department followed selection and negotiations according to the Federal QBS checklist included in Exhibit 'B'. Benesch has previous work experiences with the city that includes designing the Farnsworth Avenue bridge near Mountain Street (currently under construction) and is also responsible for inspecting all 30 city bridges. The attached Engineering Agreement for Federal Participation - BLR 05610 (Exhibit ‘B’) from Benesch in the amount of $227,714.00 will provide Phase I Preliminary Engineering Services.  The actual construction project is listed in the 2018 Capital Improvement Plan Project #G019 at a total estimated engineering and construction cost of more than $2,100,000.


The city has secured Federal Highway Authority Funds to cover 80% of the engineering costs. The attached Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation - BLR 05310 (Exhibit ‘A’) provides for these Federal Funds. The City will front fund engineering costs with MFT funds and will be reimbursed 80% of the costs or approximately $182,200. 


The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) requires a Resolution to Appropriate the MFT funds prior to their expenditure for approved projects.  The Resolution for Improvement - BLR 09111 (Exhibit ‘C’) appropriating MFT funds in the amount of $250,000 is attached.  This amount includes the maximum allowed expenses for Phase I Engineering and a contingency for other expenses that may be incurred for acquisition services.  


Phase I Engineering is expected to be completed within 18 months.  The long term schedule is to begin Phase II Engineering in 2020 and construction to begin in 2022.  At that time, the bridge will be more than 50 years old.  This will mark the 20th bridge the city has replaced since 1992.  Most bridges have a life span of about 50 years before major work is required. 


The 2018 Budget provides $100,000 for this item in account no. 203-4460-431.76-51 (Motor Fuel Tax Funds) and balance in the 2019 CIP.



No Impact.



Please forward this resolution to the Finance Committee for their review and recommendation for approval.



cc:                     Finance Committee




RESOLUTION NO. _________

DATE OF PASSAGE ________________


A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to execute the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation with the State of Illinois, Authorizing the Director of Purchasing to sign the Engineering Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company and to Appropriate Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Farnsworth Avenue Bridge Project, MFT #18-00324-00-BR.


WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and


WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to replace the Farnsworth Avenue Bridge over Indian Creek just north of Indian Trail; and


WHEREAS, there is a need for a Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation to fund 80% of the Engineering project with Federal funds (STP-Br), a copy of which agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'A'; and


WHEREAS, there is a need for an Engineering Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company, 35 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 3300, Chicago, IL 60601 in an amount not to exceed $227,714.00, a copy of which agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'B'; and


WHEREAS, there is a need to appropriate Motor Fuel Tax funds for this Agreement in the amount of $250,000.00, a copy of which resolution is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit 'C'; and 


WHEREAS, the 2018 City Budget provides $100,000 for this item in account no. 203-4460-431.76-51 (Motor Fuel Tax funds) and balance in the 2019 CIP.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Local Agency Agreement as set forth in Exhibit 'A' which may be amended by IDOT and the Director of Purchasing is hereby authorized to sign the Engineering Services Agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company as set forth in Exhibit 'B'; and the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax funds as stated in the Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code as set forth in Exhibit 'C'.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the above-mentioned Agreement and any other such IDOT documents related to advancement and completion of said project.