Aurora, Illinois

File #: 16-00661    Version: 1 Name: Establishment of Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/8/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 7/26/2016 Final action: 7/26/2016
Title: An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article VI. Division 10 Entitled "Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board."
Attachments: 1. Description Bike Pedestrian and Transit Board, 2. City of Aurora Bicycle Pedestrian Plan


TO:                              Mayor Thomas J. Weisner


FROM:                     Stephane Phifer, Director of Planning

                     Alex Voigt, Asst. Chief of Staff


DATE:                     July 8, 2016



An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article VI. Division 10 Entitled "Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board."



In 2009, the City of Aurora created and adopted a "Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan". One of the components of the plan is to create a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to support and advise the planning process, as well as guide and encourage the development of projects and programs. 



The overall goals as highlighted in the plan are as follows:

1.                     Incorporate bicycle and pedestrian projects into the City’s Capital Improvement Program.

2.                     Improve bikeway and sidewalk connections to existing and future transit facilities, between neighborhoods, and among surrounding communities.

3.                     Establish the responsibilities of a staff member to coordinate the implementation of the plan, staff shall guide and encourage implementation of bicycle and pedestrian-related plans, projects and programs.

4.                     Establish a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to support and advise the planning process, as well as guide and encourage the development of projects and programs.


The seven (7) member Advisory Committee, once established, will act as an advisory body to the City Council on the planning and development process for bicycle, pedestrian and public transit facilities. Members shall be residents of the City of Aurora and are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. 



The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board will have a positive impact on the community, for residents and economic development.


cc:                     Alderman Saville, Chairman
                     Alderman Donnell
                     Alderman Irvin
                     Alderman Hart-Burns, Alternate





ORDINANCE NO. _________

DATE OF PASSAGE ________________


An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article VI. Division 10 Entitled “Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board.”


WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and


WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and


WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council shall establish the "Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board" to advise the City Council, on the continued development or initiation of programs or actions that will enhance, develop and create bicycle and pedestrian projects; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to amend Chapter 2, Article VI. Division 10 Entitled “Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board”.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: Chapter 2, Article VI. Division 10 of the City of Aurora Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows:


Section One: That in Chapter 2, Article VI., a new Division 10 shall be established and  entitled “Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Transit Advisory Board” in the Aurora Code of Ordinances, and that the same shall read as follows:


                                                                                                         ARTICLE VI. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS


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DIVISION 10. Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board

Sec. 2-601                     Creation.

There is created the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board.

Sec. 2-602                     Purpose.

The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall be a regularly scheduled forum that is open to the public and comprised of community representatives, in which bicycle, pedestrian and transit related policies, issues and significant problems can be analyzed in a multi-disciplinary setting in order to develop viable and comprehensive solutions.

Sec. 2-603                     Membership.

The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall be comprised of:

(a) The Mayor of the city as ex officio Member, a chairman and six (6) additional Members (herein after “Members”) to be appointed by the Mayor subject to the approval of the City Council.

(b) All Members shall reside within the city.

(c) City of Aurora elected officials shall not be permitted membership during their time in office.

(d) City of Aurora staff shall not be permitted membership during their time of employment.


Sec. 2-604                     Chairman.

The chairman of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Mayor for a period of one (1) year or until his/her successor has been duly appointed.


                     Sec. 2-605                     Terms of Members.

The seven (7) Members of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board may be appointed for a term of one (1) year, two (2) years, or three (3) years from the time of their appointment and each and every year thereafter.


                     Sec. 2-606                     Successors.

All persons appointed as Members of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall serve in their official capacities, respectively, until their successors have been appointed and qualified as provided in this article.


                     Sec. 2-607                     Vacancies in office.

In the event of the death, resignation, removal or incapacity of any Member of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board, or if a vacancy occurs for any reason, a new Member shall be appointed in the same manner to fill the unexpired term.


                     Sec. 2-609 Executive Secretary, Ex-Officio Member

The City of Aurora’s Planning and Zoning director and/or designee shall be considered ex-officio Member with non-voting authority on all issues, and shall be executive secretary of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board. The executive secretary shall make a permanent record of all the acts and doings of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board and keep the same in his/her custody and control.  The Planning and Zoning Director and staff shall provide support to the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board as needed. 


Sec. 2-609                     Functions.

The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall:

(1) Support and advise the planning process, as well as guide and encourage the development of projects, programs and infrastructure. 

(2) Increase the visibility of the issues among staff, elected officials, and the general public. 

(3) Assist the City Council and the Mayor’s Office in balancing community priorities and resources and implementing best practices. 

(4) Research and assist in the application for funding opportunities that will enhance the bicycle, pedestrian, and transit opportunities within the community. 


Sec. 2-610 Meetings.

Regular meetings shall generally be held once a month on the Third Thursdays' following the first Committee of the Whole meeting of the month; and shall comply with the Open Meetings Act.   Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman or any Member that submits a request in writing to the Chairman, and held at such place as fixed in the call.  Meeting notices shall be pursuant to applicable state and local requirements.


                     Sec. 2-611 Quorum

Three (3) Members of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. No official business of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall transpire without a meeting that has a quorum. 


                     Sec. 2-612 Attendance

Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board Members are required to attend the meetings referenced in Section 2-610 above.  If a Member is absent from three (3) successive regular meetings without notification, it shall be considered a voluntary resignation.  A simple majority vote of the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board may declare the position vacant and request that the Mayor appoint a new Member to fill the term.  


                     Sec. 2-613 Rules and regulations.

The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Board shall adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper to govern the conduct of the meetings and the business to be performed subject to approval by the City Council.


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