Aurora, Illinois

File #: 17-00910    Version: 1 Name: ATC Enhancements / WBK Supplement
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 9/28/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/24/2017 Final action: 10/24/2017
Title: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a supplemental cost increase for WBK Engineering LLC for Phase II engineering design services and Phase III design support for the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facility Enhancement Project.
Attachments: 1. Overall Project Location.pdf


TO:                     Mayor Richard C. Irvin


FROM:                     Kenneth Schroth, P.E, Director of Public Works/City Engineer


DATE:                     October 10, 2017



Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a supplemental cost increase for WBK Engineering LLC for Phase II engineering design services and Phase III design support for the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facility Enhancement Project.



To authorize the approval for a cost increase to WBK Engineering LLC contact Phase II engineering design services and Phase III design support for the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facility Enhancement Project.



The proposal is part of the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facilities Enhancement Project (CIP A059).  Located in downtown Aurora, the proposed improvements will help serve as a catalyst to future development. The project is comprehensive in nature and focused on renovating Broadway / IL Route 25, the ATC parking facilities, and providing a bicycle/pedestrian bridge that will span the Fox River. The vehicular improvements will include the relocation of the existing Pace Bus staging area and traffic signal to the main ATC parking facility, the reconfiguration parking stalls to add efficiency, a landscaped median in Broadway, and additional parking stalls in Lot W.  The new bicycle/pedestrian bridge will provide access to the west side of the river, connect two regional trails, and provide access to additional parking for the ATC and RiverEdge Park.  Please refer to the Overall Project Location attachment.


The approximately $14.7M dollar project is being funded largely by a CMAQ grant in an amount up to $11.4M, additional construction funding is being provided by the Kane County Forest Preserve in the amount of $1.65M, and the balance of the funding is to come from the 2017 GO Bond Issuance in the amount $1.65M for construction and construction engineering.  Additionally, $0.7M for utility work and $1.4M for Phase I and II Engineering has been funded from the bond, and $350K from the Kane County Forest Preserve went towards Phase II Engineering. 


For some additional background on the CMAQ grant process, in March of 2015, the City applied for Federal funding for the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement grant program administrated by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP).  In October 2015, the City's project was approved for programming. Federal funds granted to the City totaled, $8,625,982 with Phase II engineering design cost of $598,071 in 2018 and construction value of $8,027,911 in 2019.


In June of 2016, the City received proposal from WBK Engineering LLC for Phase II engineering design services.  WBK Engineering LLC lead a team of consultants from Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd (CBBEL) and T.Y Lin International Group (T.Y. Lin).  In order to accelerate the design, the City entered and elected to locally fund Phase II engineering design (Resolution R16-170). 


In July of 2017, the City requested a change in schedule and cost increase from CMAP to advance the City's project to 2018 construction.  With the completion of phase I and II engineering design work and submittal of the pre-final plan, the City demonstrated to CMAP that the City's project was ready for approval and proposed project letting on January 19, 2018. CMAP approved the City's request to move up construction for 2018 and a funding increase. The total CMAQ Grant for construction and Phase III engineering is now for an amount up to $11,482,924.  This project will be administered through IDOT according to the local agency agreement and IDOT will invoice the City for the City’s portion of the cost of the improvements. 


Staff has been working with its engineering consulting team to advance the Phase I and II design, Phase III contracts, and acquisition and utility relocations, with the goal of meeting deadlines for the January 2018 letting.  If successful in doing so the construction process is planned to commence in early 2018 with project completion in early 2020.



The attached WBK Engineering LLC updated contact for Phase II engineering design services and contract for Phase III design support are being proposed to facilitate the construction of the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facilities Enhancement Project in early 2018. 


In order to meet the letting date of 2018 and demonstrate project readiness and seek additional funding for this project, the City approved contracts to locally fund phase II engineering design.


By moving the construction of the project up by one year the City would be able to take advantage of current construction pricing and provide congestion reduction sooner.   


Understanding that schedule was accelerated, the design team had to work hard to accomplish this goal.  This supplement reflects the design changes and challenges that were encountered during design that had to be addressed.   Review comments from IDOT, IDNR, Army Corp of Engineers, BNSF, Pace and the City were addressed for design approval, however various items were outside the original contract scope.  Some of these changes included; additional soil borings, intersection design meeting new IDOT ADA requirements, preparation of traffic signal and interconnection design, changes to parking lot lighting design, electrical design, bridge lighting design and various intersection design changes. 


IDOT is requiring the City to perform soil borings within the east project limits to determine the constituents of the soil, which was not originally contemplated in the Phase II contract, which is $25,280


The original agreement with WBK Engineering LLC, executed in June 14, 2016 (Resolution R16-170), was in the amount of $1,003,355.76.   The total proposed supplement including the soil boring cost is $94,433.60, please refer to Exhibit "A" for detailed breakdown.


Due to the complexity of the bridge design and construction, additional design construction support is also included in this supplement.  The City will retain the design team to address specific design questions and field changes as requested by the City that the designer of record will address.  Shop drawing and change order requests will need to be reviewed and approved. The design construction support is not to exceed $75,000.  Please reference Exhibit "B".


A budget transfer will be process to include the work contemplated in this agreement in the 2017 A059 CIP budget and the account from which the project is to be thereafter funded is 353-4433-437.73-20.



Staff would anticipate that this project will increase the City’s overall tax base and viability by facilitating investment and development which will offset any incidental Department or staffing impacts of coordinating the project. 



Staff would recommend APPROVAL of the Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a supplemental cost increase for WBK Engineering LLC for Phase II engineering design services and Phase III design support for the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facility Enhancement Project.  Please forward this resolution to the Finance Committee for their review and recommendation for approval.



cc:                     Alderman O’Connor, Chairman
                     Alderman Mesiacos
                     Alderman Bugg
                     Alderman Mervine, Alternate





RESOLUTION NO. _________

DATE OF PASSAGE ________________


A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a supplemental cost increase for WBK Engineering LLC for Phase II engineering design services and Phase III design support for the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facility Enhancement Project.


WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and


WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and


WHEREAS,  the Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) and the Regional Facility Enhancement Project limits extend along IL. Route 25 from Spring Street to the ATC north entrance and includes modifications to the ATC parking lot, Pace Pulse Point, a new pedestrian bridge and parking lot on the west side of the River; and


WHEREAS, In order to meet the proposed project letting date, demonstrate project readiness and seek additional funding for this project, the City decided to locally fund phase II engineering design.


WHEREAS, In June of 2016, the City entered a contract with WBK Engineering LLC for Phase II engineering design (Resolution R16-170); and


WHEREAS, design changes and challenges were encountered during design and field work.  Also the design team had to address unanticipated review comments from IDOT, IDNR, Army Corp of Engineers, BNSF and Pace, which were outside of the original scope of the Phase II engineering contract; and


WHEREAS, In addition, the design team provided Phase III design support.  Upon request of the City, the design professional will provide technical direction for shop drawings, design questions during construction and requests for field changes; and

WHEREAS, IDOT is requiring the City to perform soil borings within the east project limits to determine the constituents of the soil, which was not originally contemplated in the Phase II contract.  However Testing Service Corporation was part of the original Phase II contractor and therefore the additional scope is being added to the original contract.


WHEREAS, the total proposed supplement increase including the soil borings cost is $94,433.60, as detailed in Exhibit "A"; and


WHEREAS, the additional Phase III Design Support is estimated to be $75,000 as detailed in the contract attached hereto as Exhibit "B"; and


WHEREAS, CIP AO59 and the proposed 2018 Budget provides funding for this project in Account No. 353-4434-437-73.20.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: that the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois does hereby approve and authorize the execution of the Phase II supplemental increase and Phase III design support with WBK Engineering LLC for Aurora Transportation Center (ATC) Regional Facility Enhancement Project.