TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: David Dibo, Economic Development Executive Director
DATE: August 8, 2023
An Ordinance authorizing the purchase of a 3.16 acre property located at 7S330 Eola Road to facilitate the construction of a new Fire Station #9.
To meet nationally recognized service standards and improve response times avoiding real danger to residents and businesses from increasingly long emergency response times.
Staff has negotiated a purchase contract for a suitable location for the new Fire Station #9 as that will meet the needs of the Aurora Fire Department.
Station location analysis has been conducted. The analysis began with an evaluation of the distribution of apparatus and personnel throughout the department's service area relative to demand for the department's services and the ability to meet system performance goals adopted by the department. Attached is the Fire Station Location Analysis the Aurora Fire Department as produced to consider feasible location to meet the demand.
Staff has investigated several properties, contacted several property owners and to efficiently and timely address the needs of the community, has been able to have the property owner commit to sell the subject property to the city of Aurora.
The underutilized property was annexed in 2005 with ordinance O2005-129 following an annexation agreement approved with ordinance O2005-128. The property was zoned Office with a Special Use originally intended for the construction of a U.S. Post Office which never came to fruition.
Under this agenda item, staff is recommending the purchase of the property as noted below:
- 7S330 Eola Road, Tax Pins 07-20-102-015 and 07-20-102-016 (the “Hamman” property)
The new fire station, which will also serve as a training center, will replace the existing station located at the 2339 Diehl Road. The new station will be subject to further entitlements including a landscaping plan and elevations that will be subject to City review.
The current Fire Station 9 will be in operation until the new station is built and in operation. Once the former station is retired from its operation, that real estate will be marketed for suitable redevelopment opportunities in keeping with market trends and community needs.
When staff approached the sellers, the property was featured at $1,200,000 or $8.71/SF. Staff was able to negotiate the sale price down to $950,000 or $6.90/SF.
The total anticipated costs for the acquisition of the subject property is:
- Property - $950,000
- Closing Costs - $20,000
Funding for this purchase has been budgeted in the GO Bond for 2022 account number (354)-3033-422.71-01 (Capital Outlay).
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) has been ordered. It is not anticipated that past uses of the property will impede the redevelopment as presented.
The purchase of the property will provide greater distribution of Fire Department apparatus and personnel.
That the attached Ordinance and Purchasing contract be approved.
cc: Finance Committee

ORDINANCE NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
An Ordinance authorizing the purchase of 3.16 ac property located at 7S330 Eola Road to facilitate the construction of a new Fire Station #9.
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the City desires to acquire 3.16 acres of property located at 7S330 Eola Rd (the Subject Property) in furtherance of implementing the Fire Station Location Analysis objectives of providing for distribution of apparatus and personnel throughout the department's service area relative to demand for the department's services and the ability to meet system performance goals adopted by the department; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities deem it necessary and desirable that the Subject Property be acquired within the City; and
WHEREAS, the owner of the Subject Property (“Seller”) desires to sell the Subject Property to the City; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have determined that the purchase of the Subject Property by the City for an amount not to exceed Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($950,000.00), plus reasonable closing costs, is in the best interest of the City to ensure that the public purposes and uses thereof are met, and are able to be met in the future; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Seller and the City to undertake the conveyance of the Subject Property to the City on the terms to be negotiated by the Mayor in consultation with the Corporation Council, for an amount not to exceed Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($950,000.00), plus reasonable closing costs;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows:
SECTION 1: That the Preambles set forth above shall be and are hereby incorporated in Section 1 herein, as if restated herein.
SECTION 2: That the Mayor is authorized to negotiate, sign and execute a contract for the purchase of the Subject Property in an amount not to exceed Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($950,000.00), plus reasonable closing costs.
SECTION 3: That the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer and Corporation Counsel are further authorized to execute any and all additional documents necessary to complete the purchase of the Subject Property following approval of this Ordinance.
SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its adoption and approval as required by law.