TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Kurt Muth P.E., Engineering Coordinator
DATE: August 21, 2023
A Resolution to award the East Park Ave & South Ave Sewer Separation & Water Main Replacement project to Performance Construction & Engineering, located at 217 W. John Street, Plano, IL 60545, in the amount of eight hundred fifty-eight thousand, eight hundred seventy-eight dollars and zero cents ($858,878.00) located in Wards 3 & 4.
To install new storm sewer removing stormwater from the combined sewer system at several locations near East Park Ave & South Ave. Water main replacement has been deemed necessary on East park Avenue between Center Avenue and South Avenue to improve water quality and system capacity. The existing 4" water main will be replaced with 8" ductile iron water main and confirmed lead water services will be replaced.
A new storm sewer will be installed to remove these surface drainage flows from the combined sewer system. A location map is attached as Exhibit A to show the limits of the project. This project will help satisfy the requirements associated with the City's Long Term Control Plan and the City's Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Combined Sewer System Overflow. Lead water services within the project corridor will be replaced with the approval of each homeowner.
The proposed improvements have been publicly advertised and bid in conformance with City procedures. The advertisement for bid is attached as Exhibit B. Four conforming bids were received, publicly opened and read aloud on August 10, 2023. The low bidder, Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC, has successfully completed similar projects for the City in the past. The bid tabulation and Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC's bid are attached as exhibits C and D.
This contract is subject to the local vendor preference ordinance. However, none of the contractors submitting bids were eligible according to the requirements listed in the ordinance.
A portion of the project amount ($458,878.00) is budgeted for in 2023 within account 510-4058-511-73-02 (IC076, $11,950,000.00 Water Main Replacement). A remainder of the project amount ($400,000.00) is budgeted for in 2023 within account 281-1856-512-73-09 (B031, $2,550,000.00 LTCP sewer separation).
Traffic will be detoured to adjacent blocks, but the increase in traffic on the adjacent neighboring blocks will be temporary and negligible. Water and sanitary service interruptions will be kept to a minimum during construction of this project.
I request the proposed resolution be adopted.
cc: Infrastructure & Technology Committee

RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC, 217 W. John Street, Plano, IL 60545 in the amount of eight hundred fifty-eight thousand, eight hundred seventy-eight dollars and zero cents ($858,878.00) for the East Park Ave & South Ave Sewer Separation & Water Main Replacement project located in Wards 3 & 4.
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, new storm sewer is desired to remove stormwater from the combined sewer system in several locations near East Park Ave & South Ave; and
WHEREAS, water main replacement has been deemed necessary on East Park Avenue between Center Avenue and South Avenue to improve water quality and system capacity; and
WHEREAS, the proposed improvements have been publicly advertised and bid in conformance with City procedures; and
WHEREAS, four conforming bids were received and read aloud on August 10, 2023 with Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC submitting the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $858,878.00; and
WHEREAS, a portion of the project ($458,878.00) is budgeted for in 2023 within account 510-4058-511-73-02 (IC076, $11,950,000.00 Water Main Replacement); and
WHEREAS, a portion of the project ($400,000.00) is budgeted for in 2023 within account 510-1856-512-73-09 (B031, $2,550,000.00 LTCP sewer separation).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: That the Director of Purchasing is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Performance Construction & Engineering, LLC, 217 W. John Street, Plano, IL 60545 in the not-to-exceed amount of eight hundred fifty-eight thousand, eight hundred seventy-eight dollars and zero cents ($858,878.00).