TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Jason Bauer, Assistant Director of Public Works, Assistant City Engineer
DATE: August 14, 2023
A resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to execute a contract with Tatisco, Inc., Yorkville, IL in the amount of $219,179.90, for the installation of new River Railing near the west Benton Street Bridge and replacement of deteriorated railing near the Tivoli Plaza.
A large section of the floodwall along the west branch of the Fox River, just north of Benton Street, does not have a protective railing, which is a potential safety hazard. This was not budgeted in 2023, however, staff is recommending the use of risk funds to install the railing now rather than budgeting for the improvements in 2024. Additionally, the 2023 budget has $50,000 of replacement railing which will be completed by the same contractor.
Throughout the downtown, a decorative railing has been installed along the floodwall of the Fox River, wherever the wall is adjacent to areas accessible by pedestrians. While the lawn area west of the swimming stones is not specifically an area where pedestrians frequently walk, the space is being utilized more frequently during parades and other downtown activities. Installing the railing here will improve safety for those using this space. Additionally, the 2023 budget includes $50,000 for the replacement of deteriorated sections of existing railing.
This project was bid publicly, with two bids received, opened and read aloud on August 9, 2023. Staff is recommending the award to the low bidder, Tatisco, Inc. in the amount of $219,179.90. This awarded amount reflects the low bid, modified to reduce the amount of railing to be replaced. The original bid included replacement of 250 feet of railing, however due to budget constraints only 168 feet will be replaced. Of this awarded amount, $48,720 is for replacement which will be funded from account 354-4030-418.38-05, and the remainder of the project cost ($170,459.90) will be paid for with risk funds 601-0000-410.40-77.
Completing this project will improve safety for pedestrians utilizing the lawn area. During construction, it is anticipated that there may be minor disruption to Benton Street traffic when delivering equipment and materials.
I request the proposed resolution be adopted.
cc: Finance Committee

RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to execute a contract with Tatisco, Inc., Yorkville, IL in the amount of $219,179.90, for the installation of new River Railing near the west Benton Street Bridge and replacement of deteriorated railing near the Tivoli Plaza.
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the floodwall on the west branch of the Fox River just north of Benton Street does not have a protective railing; and
WHEREAS, other sections of the railing near Tivoli Plaza are in poor condition and are in need of replacement; and
WHEREAS, the City bid these improvements publicly, with two bids received on August 9, 2023; and
WHEREAS, staff is recommending awarding the project to the low bidder, Tatisco, Inc., in the amount of $219,179.90, which reflects the low bid, modified to reduce the amount of railing to be replaced from 250 to 168 feet; and
WHEREAS, funds are available in the risk account 601-0000-410.340-77 for the new railing ($170,459.90) and also in account 354-4030-418.38-05 ($48,720.00) for the replacement of deteriorated railing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: the Director of Purchasing is authorized to execute a contract with Tatisco, Inc., Yorkville, IL in the amount of $219,179.90, for the installation of new River Railing near the west Benton Street Bridge and replacement of deteriorated railing near the Tivoli Plaza.