TO: Mayor Richard C. Irvin
FROM: Dave McCabe, Fire Chief
Matt Anslow, Assistant Fire Chief
Michael Pegues, Chief Information Officer
Jeff Anderson, Deputy Chief Information Officer
DATE: 12/8/2023
A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase a Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) with eight years of support services from Purvis Systems Incorporated for $1,094,136.18, plus a 3% contingency.
The City of Aurora Fire Department is seeking a comprehensive modernized Fire Station Alerting System. This solution should increase dispatch efficiency, track critical firehouse metrics, and make quality-of-life improvements to the station.
When a 911 call is received by Aurora Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), the information is entered into the Hexagon Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system. The CAD system uses a Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) as the medium for the dispatcher to dispatch the call to the correct fire stations and vehicles.
The current Zetron FSAS has been in operation since the 1990s. Over time, several shortcomings have been identified in the Zetron FSAS software and hardware. These include outdated technology, increased system downtime, and inconsistent alerting of Fire personnel, stations, and vehicles. Based upon these concerns, staff determined that the City should upgrade the FSAS.
In working with the City's IT Department and Procurement Division, AFD engaged to create a Market Landscape. Following the Marketplace Clearbox Process,
-- Created Market Landscape with 12 companies
-- Created RFQ document based on Aurora Fire Department needs and industry best practices
-- Based on the market landscape and City Stakeholder review, publicly posted and distributed the Opportunity and Scope Document for vendors to complete in order to be included in the reporting and selection process.
-- It was posted and distributed on 3/18/22 and closed 4/8/22.
-- There were 3 responses completed by the deadline
-- After reviewing the data, project leaders met with representatives of PURVIS and US Digital Designs to learn more about their solutions.
-- The third response, from Bryx, was deemed by project leaders not to be a comprehensive solution for Aurora Fire Department.
-- Project Leaders conferred with Boston & Waukesha Fire Departments to glean insight into their PURVIS & USDD implementations - both also use Hexagon RMS in conjunction, mirroring Aurora’s eventual setup.
-- Based on the RFQ data, follow-up conversations, and remaining open questions, drafted the RFP Document to be distributed to the two finalists
-- It was distributed to PURVIS & USDD on 10/4/22 and closed 10/19/22.
-- Project leaders reviewed final submitted data and submitted final scoring on 12/14/22.
Aurora Fire Department leadership along with project partners in Information Technology and the Aurora Police Department’s Emergency Communications office unanimously recommended PURVIS Systems as their new partner for FSAS. Strong, streamlined station designs along with the proven capability to integrate with Aurora’s exact version number of its CAD dispatching system makes the PURVIS the right choice for Aurora’s continuing public safety improvements.
The purchase and implementation price of the Purvis System is $637,405.00 which includes the first year of software and hardware maintenance. The maintenance fees for the duration of the program total $456,731.18. Annual maintenance and support fees include 24x7 onsite support and are shown in the table below.
Year 2 |
62,785.00 |
Year 3 |
62,785.00 |
Year 4 |
64,668.55 |
Year 5 |
64,668.55 |
Year 6 |
66,608.61 |
Year 7 |
66,608.61 |
Year 8 |
68,606.86 |
Total |
456,731.18 |
The total cost of the Purvis System is $1,094,136.18 which includes the purchase of all required software and hardware, installation at all fire stations, project management, system configuration, training, and seven years’ warranty and maintenance.
First year funds have been budgeted for this project in account 287-1280-419.38-12.
Without the implementation of an advanced FSAS, increased system downtime, and inconsistent alerting of Fire personnel and stations continue to occur.
That the resolution be adopted.
cc: Infrastructure & Technology Committee

RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution authorizing the Director of Purchasing to purchase a Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) with eight years of support services from Purvis Systems Incorporated for $1,094,136.18, plus a 3% contingency.
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the Aurora Fire Department uses a Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS) as the medium for the dispatcher to dispatch the call to the correct fire stations and vehicles; and
WHEREAS, the current FSAS solution is outdated and is prone to errors; and
WHERAS, the City conducted a Request for Qualifications in search of a replacement system(s) to best fit the City's needs; and
WHEREAS, first year funds for this project are budgeted in account 287-1280-419.38-12 this purchase.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: the Director of Purchasing is authorized to purchase a 7-year subscription for a Fire Station Alerting System (FSAS), to Purvis Systems Incorporated for $1,094,136.18, plus a 3% contingency.