Aurora, Illinois

File #: 14-00277    Version: Name: MSAAB - By-Laws
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/7/2014 In control: City Council
On agenda: 5/13/2014 Final action: 5/13/2014
Title: A Resolution Establishing "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) By-Laws
TO:      Mayor Thomas J. Weisner
FROM:      Stephane Phifer, Planning and Zoning Director
DATE:      April 7, 2014
A Resolution Establishing "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) By-Laws.
To establish the By-Laws for the newly created "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board).
"Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) was established by Ordinance to an advisory body to the City Council, on the development or initiation of programs or actions that will enhance, develop and create sustainable practices within the community.  Pursuant to the enabling ordinance "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) shall adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper to govern the conduct of the meetings and the business to be performed subject to approval by the City Council.
The Resolution attached includes By-Laws developed using the best practices from other similar City commissions, boards and councils for "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board).  "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) may from time to time request amendments to these By-Laws subject to review and approval of the City Council.
The Planning and Zoning Division would anticipate that the establishment of this advisory board and in turn these By-Laws will have a positive impact on the City's health, welfare, overall tax base and viability.
Staff recommends approval of the Resolution Establishing "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) By-Laws.  
cc:      Alderman Peters, Chairman
      Alderman Garza
      Alderman Bugg
      Alderman Saville, Alternate
RESOLUTION NO. _________
DATE OF PASSAGE ________________
A Resolution Establishing "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) By-Laws
WHEREAS, the City of Aurora has a population of more than 25,000 persons and is, therefore, a home rule unit under subsection (a) of Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution of 1970; and
WHEREAS, subject to said Section, a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council established "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) to advise the City Council, on the development or initiation of programs or actions that will enhance, develop and create sustainable practices within the community; and:
WHEREAS, pursuant to the enabling ordinance "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) shall adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper to govern the conduct of the meetings and the business to be performed subject to approval by the City Council; and  
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, as follows: that the City Council of the City of Aurora, Illinois, finds as facts all of the preamble recitals of this Resolution and hereby adopts "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) By-Laws as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A".   
PASSED AND APPROVED on ______________.
AYES ____     NAYS ____     NOT VOTING ____     ABSENT ____
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Alderman Bohman, Ward 1                              Alderman Garza, Ward 2
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Alderman Mesiacos, Ward 3                              Alderman Donnell, Ward 4
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Alderman Peters, Ward 5                                    Alderman Saville, Ward 6
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Alderman Hart-Burns, Ward 7                              Alderman Mervine, Ward 8
____________________________                  __________________________
Alderman Bugg, Ward 9                                    Alderman Johnson, Ward 10
____________________________                  __________________________
Alderman Irvin, At Large                                    Alderman O'Connor, At Large
____________________________                  __________________________
                City Clerk                                          Mayor
Legistar Number: 14-00277
Exhibit "A" "Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) By-Laws
"Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board?
Adopted: _______
Article 1       Authority and Purpose
Section 1.      Authority
"Sustainable Aurora" (The Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) (hereinafter "Sustainable Aurora" or "MSAAB") was established and is governed by Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 9, entitled "Sustainable Aurora" (Mayor's Sustainable Aurora Advisory Board) of the Aurora Code of Ordinances.
Section 2.      Purpose
The purpose of these By-Laws is to govern the conduct of the meetings and the business to be performed by the MSAAB.   A copy of these rules shall be filed with the city clerk.
Article 2       Officers
Section 1.      Officer Composition
The officers of the MSAAB shall consist of Chairman; Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Executive Secretary.
The Chairman and Executive Secretary shall be established pursuant to the authorization ordinance referenced in Article 1 Section 2 herein.   The remaining officers shall be elected from the members of MSAAB by majority vote of the full membership on an annual basis.  An Annual meeting at which the MSAAB will elect Officers shall be held after December 1st and in no case later than March 1st of each year.
Section 2.      Vacancies
Any vacancy of Officers may be filled at any meeting by election after such vacancy occurs.
Section 3.      The responsibilities of the Officers include, but are not limited to the following:
Shall preside over all meetings of the MSAAB.
Shall set the agenda at the direction of the MSAAB.
Shall have general charge and supervision of the business and affairs of the MSAAB.
Shall appoint all committees and establish additional committees as deemed necessary.
Shall serve as a liaison between the committees and the MSAAB.
Shall call any special meetings as required.  
Shall act as assistant to the Chair.
Shall fulfill the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
Shall fulfill any additional duties as may be assigned.
Shall act as assistant to the Chair.
Shall fulfill the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair.
Shall attend meetings of committees and, when directed by the chairman of said committee, transcribe the minutes thereof.
Shall provide the planning and zoning division with a transcription of the committee minutes in a timely fashion for distribution to the MSAAB prior to the next regular meeting.
Shall maintain an accurate listing of all committee members and contact information.
Shall record the attendance at all committee meetings.  
Shall fulfill any additional duties as may be assigned.
Executive Secretary:
Shall attend all regular and special meetings of the MSAAB and shall keep a record of same and transcribe said record properly for review and approval by the MSAAB.
Shall record the attendance of the MSAAB members at the meetings.
Shall send all notices of regular or special meetings.
Shall serve in an advisory capacity on all matters before the MSAAB.
Shall maintain an accurate listing of all members' contact information and terms of office.
Shall have a copy of 'Roberts Rules of Order' available at all official MSAAB meetings.
Section 4.      In the event the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, or Secretary of the MSAAB should be absent or unable for any reason to attend to the duties of the office, the members of the MSAAB may at any regular meeting, or at any special meeting called for such purpose, elect a Chairman Pro tem, or other officer as the case may be, who shall attend to all duties of such officer until such officer shall return or be able to perform said duties.
Article 3       Meeting Details
Section 1.      The official meetings of the MSAAB are typically as follows:
Location: 5th Floor Conference Room of City Hall (44 E. Downer Place)
Starting Time: 7pm
Duration: Meetings can last a little as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours depending on the number or complexity of agenda items.
Frequency: Regular meetings are held once a month on the third Thursday following the first committee of the whole meeting of the month; special meetings may also be called but would generally also take place on a Thursday at the same starting time and location.  
Section 2.      Meetings may be canceled or the location or start time changed at the discretion of the chairman and pursuant to the Open Meetings Act.  
Article 4       Committees
Section 1.      The following standing committees have been established pursuant to the authorization ordinance referenced in Article 1 Section 2 herein.  Appointment to the committees shall be by the chairman for one (1) year terms.
Citizen Advisory Committee:
The Citizen Advisory committee shall provide the MSAAB with a larger breadth of interest, knowledge and expertise from which to advise and educate the general public on sustainable and environmental policies and practices.
This committee shall be made up of one MSAAB member to act as chair and volunteers from the community with a passion for community sustainability including other MSAAB members, residents, non-residents, business owners, city staff and elected officials.  
Green Events Committee:
The Green Events committee shall research, guide, organize and volunteer at events that will enhance, develop and create sustainable practices within the community.
This committee shall be made up of one MSAAB member to act as chair, and volunteers from the community with a passion for green events including other MSAAB members, residents, non-residents, business owners, city staff and elected officials.   
Grant and Award Research Committee:
The Grant and Award Research committee shall research and assist in the application for grant and award opportunities that will enhance, develop and create sustainable practices within the community.
This committee shall be made up of one MSAAB member to act as chair and volunteers from the community with a passion for research including other MSAAB members, residents, non-residents, business owners, city staff and elected officials.   
Youth Outreach Committee:
The Youth Outreach committee shall develop youth oriented programs and activities that will enhance, develop and create sustainable practices within the community.
This committee shall be made up of one MSAAB member to act as chair and youth volunteers from the community with a passion for outreach and education including other MSAAB members, residents, non-residents, business owners, city staff and elected officials.  
Section 2.      Additional committees may be created at the direction of the Chair on an as needed basis for one (1) year terms. The duties of the committees shall be determined at the time of creation.
Section 3.      Participation of the additional committees shall not be limited to current MSAAB members, however such additional committees shall consist of a minimum of one current MSAAB member.  
Article 5       Conduct of Business
Section 1.      Roberts Rules
The current available edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" will be used during regular and special meetings except as modified by these By-Laws or by the authorization ordinance referenced in Article 1 Section 2 above.
Section 2.      All regular and special meetings of the MSAAB shall be open to the general public, and shall comply with the Open Meetings Act.
Section 3.      Order of Business
The Order of Business shall generally be as follows:
Roll Call of Members
Minutes of the previous meeting.
New Business
Old Business
All revisions, substitutions, and additions to the order of the announced agenda shall be made by a consensus of the MSAAB.
A motion shall be made and seconded with action being taken by roll call vote to dispense with any item on the Agenda.
Article 6       Adoption and Amendments
Section 1.      Adoption of these By-Laws shall be by a majority of those members present.
Section 2.      Amendments of these By-Laws shall be proposed at a regular meeting at least one (1) month prior to voting.  Recommendation/Approval shall be by a majority vote of the members in attendance and subject to approval of the City Council.